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Your Own AI in Tess with App Integration: How does App Integration with Tess allow me to broaden my horizons?

How does App Integration allow me to broaden my horizons?

If you've been following our content, you surely remember our last conversation about having an AI that is the face of your business.

Last time, we explored the advantages of creating a personalized AI with Tess, giving examples such as the ability to answer your customers' questions, qualify leads, and even help with sales, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

We brought cases of how companies from different sectors benefited from this technology, but maybe you're asking yourself: "How can I create an AI like this so I can use it my way?"

The answer lies in the powerful combination of two Tess AI functionalities: the creation of custom chat templates and integration with other applications.

Building Your AI's Personality with Templates and Steps 

Through the creation of chat, text, and image templates, along with the Steps functionality, you can define the flow of conversations, create personalized responses for different scenarios, and even integrate your AI with other tools you already use, such as CRM, email platforms, and much more.

First, let's look at a practical case of creating a chat or text template.

It's possible to simply extract data from a website through its URL with the advanced Web Scraper step and use this information to analyze a potential client through their website. From this website, you can already ask the AI to generate a prospecting email.

This way, it's possible to program your AI to perform specific actions based on triggers external to the Tess AI platform, such as sending an email, opening a support ticket, or redirecting to a specific page!

Now, let's look at a practical case of creating a chat or text template with a Question and Answer structure.

As we explained in the last communication, it's possible to simply upload an existing database from your company that includes questions answered by customers and/or employees. Of course, be judicious in your selection of questions, as each AI Model has its context window (if you didn't understand, we explain it better here).

After this upload, any suggested responses become even more complete along with a possible integration with your CRM and important information from your clients, aligning by profile which type of communication is most consistent.

Finally, it's possible to program your AI to perform specific actions based on the user's responses, such as sending an email, opening a support ticket, or redirecting to a specific page!

But now we're also getting into integrations, and what are they all about?

Expanding Possibilities with App Integration

With app integration, the sky's the limit for what your AI can do! In addition to the CRM integration we gave as an example above, it's possible to:

  • Automatically schedule meetings: By integrating Tess AI with Google Calendar or Calendly, you ensure that your leads are directed to the sales team quickly and efficiently.
  • Send personalized emails to your customers based on their interactions with the AI: By connecting Tess AI to your email marketing platform.
  • Update the status of an order in your management system: By integrating Tess AI with your ERP.

Now, you will see what the integration step of an APP looks like within AI Studio:

You will click on Add AI Step:

After selecting the APP Integration option:

Now, just select the app you want to integrate.

That's why we advocate the use of human-aligned intelligence. The ease of integrations and executions allows your company to act with the language, tone of voice, and intelligence you've always sought!