Introduction to Tess 3.0 - The New Generation of AI Chat

Tess AI, a leading SaaS platform that brings together various AI technologies in one place, has just launched Tess 3.0, a new version of the chat that elevates the user experience to a whole new level. With advanced features and integration with the most prominent LLMs (Large Language Models) in the market, Tess 3.0 allows users to create automated and efficient workflows using generative AIs for text, video, audio, image, and text analysis.

Key Features:

Multi-LLM Chat:

Tess 3.0 offers the ability to use any LLM available on the platform, including all versions of Gemini, Anthropic, OpenAI, as well as the powerful native functions of Tess AI.

During a conversation, it is possible to switch between different LLMs without losing context, allowing users to take advantage of the best characteristics of each model according to their needs.

An example is starting a conversation with the Gemini LLM, known for its ability to generate highly persuasive texts. And during the conversation, switching to the Anthropic LLM, specialized in data analysis and insights.


Conversation Customization:

Adjust the creativity level of the chat according to your objective, choosing between different types of creativity. Additionally, you can set the conversation language to communicate more naturally.

Moreover, the chat customization process allows you to keep an organized history of your conversations, with the option to rename each one of them for easy reference.


Advanced Knowledge Base:

With the Knowledge Base function, you can add a variety of knowledge sources to your conversation, such as audio files, Google Sheets, PDFs, and even content extracted from web pages using the integrated web scraper.

You can upload audio files, such as recordings of lectures, interviews, or podcasts, to train the chat with valuable information. Add Google Sheets containing structured data, such as tables, lists, or databases. Upload documents in PDF format, such as books, scientific articles, manuals, or reports, and extract content from web pages and add it directly to the Knowledge Base.

By training the chat with this variety of knowledge sources, you create a highly skilled virtual assistant tailored to your specific needs. It can provide personalized answers, in-depth analyses, and relevant recommendations based on the acquired knowledge.


Creating Copilots:

Tess 3.0 also offers advanced task automation features, allowing you to create chat templates that harness the full potential of generative AIs. This functionality is especially useful for scaling teams and optimizing workflows. Here's how you can use copilots.


Tess AI Chat Use Cases:

In the process of creating Tess chat templates, it is necessary to access the AI Studio and start customizing. The first difference between a chat template and the others is the type of template configured, as shown below:

Now, let's take a look at 3 use cases for chat templates:


  • No Input:

Chat templates without user inputs start without the need for any input for chat training, as much of it has already been done in the prompt structure. However, it will be possible to add references in the training if necessary. Below, you can see a structure in which there is no input field and no advanced steps.

Let's explore a practical example of how Tess 3.0 can be applied in the context of software development. We present Professional Dev AI, a chat specifically trained to assist developers in efficiently managing code and ensuring software quality.

By using Professional Dev AI, development teams can enhance code quality, increase efficiency, and reduce time spent on repetitive tasks. The trained chat acts as a quality guardian, ensuring that the code follows established best practices and standards.


  • With Input:

Now, let's look at an example of a template with user inputs, where the initial input will be used in training the model. Additionally, references can be added to the training if necessary.

Below, you can see the structure of the input fields:

In this example, we see how Tess 3.0 can be applied in the context of databases and SQL queries, where user input information was used to train the template. We present  SQL Copilot, a chat specifically trained to assist developers and data analysts in efficiently managing SQL queries and optimizing database performance.

By utilizing SQL Copilot, development and data analysis teams can enhance database efficiency, optimize query performance, and make data-driven decisions more quickly and accurately. The trained chat acts as an always-available SQL expert, providing personalized guidance and practical recommendations.


  • With Advanced Step:

Finally, let's look at an example of a template without user inputs (there is also the possibility of adding inputs) and with the use of an advanced step. In this case, even though it already has an advanced step, it will be possible to add references in the base training if necessary. Below, you can see the structure:

Now, we see how Tess 3.0 can be applied in the context of content creation and copywriting. The advanced Web Scraper step was used to add an article to the chat's prior training. We present Pro Copywriter, a chat specifically trained to assist writers, marketers, and entrepreneurs in creating persuasive content and optimizing conversion.

By using Pro Copywriter, marketing professionals and content creators can enhance the effectiveness of their campaigns, increase conversion rates, and create more engaging and persuasive content. The trained chat acts as an always-available copywriting expert, providing personalized guidance and creative ideas.



Tess 3.0 is a powerful update that is transforming the way we interact with generative AIs. With advanced features such as Multi-LLM Chat, Advanced Knowledge Base, and the creation of copilots, Tess 3.0 offers an unparalleled experience in interacting with AIs.

Whether you are a developer, data analyst, marketing professional, or from any other field, Tess 3.0 is the ideal tool to boost your performance and achieve exceptional results. The practical examples presented demonstrate the versatility and potential of Tess in different sectors.

Get ready to embark on this exciting journey of discovery and innovation with Tess 3.0. Make the most of this powerful tool and unlock your full potential.

Remember: with Tess 3.0, the limit is your imagination. Explore its functionalities, create your own specialized virtual assistants, and forge new paths towards success in the digital era.