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Learn how to create your own AI with Tess AI

Build, Customize, Conquer: Unveiling the Power of Templates in Tess AI

The use of Artificial Intelligence has increasingly occupied spaces with various application possibilities, whether in creating texts, images, videos, among other forms, both for personal and professional use. However, having to repeat the same commands every time we use AI can generate unnecessary rework.

Thinking about saving time and simplifying requests to an AI, we created our templates. The possibility of building a model allows anyone to adapt their AI to be more useful in their daily life, whether for specific tasks, at work, or at home. Below are the topics we will cover in this article:

How to find the perfect template for you?

At Tess AI, we make it easy to find the ideal template for your needs. Any user can train their own AI, and you can explore the templates created by them and the Pareto team in the "Marketplace" tab.

You can filter the templates by themes, which we call categories on the platform, allowing you to find AIs trained in specific areas, such as marketing, sales, e-commerce, customer service, design, music, and much more.

As you browse through the templates, you will find a variety of ready-to-use options. For example, if you are a marketing professional, you can find templates that help automate data analysis tasks, campaign creation, or content generation. If you are an e-commerce entrepreneur, you can find templates to manage orders, track inventory, or provide customer support.

Templates are designed to simplify and speed up your daily tasks, allowing you to make the most of AI without the need to create everything from scratch. Explore the possibilities and find the perfect template to boost your productivity and achieve exceptional results.

What to do if there isn't a template for the task I want to perform?

If you can't find a template that meets your needs, don't worry! At Tess AI, we offer the option to train your own AI and develop a custom template to perfectly fit your routine. Just access the "AI Studio" area and click on the "Add New AI" button. This way, you will have full control over the functionalities and customization of your AI, allowing it to completely adapt to your specific demands.


Steps to create your own Template

Detailing the Template

Creating your custom templates begins by defining what you want it to do. You should start describing your template by adding a title and description, as well as specifying whether it will be geared towards chat, text, image, or video.

Of course, don't forget to name your template in the upper left corner!

Then, you can choose whether your model will follow a specific AI Model or consider all possible ones. These initial steps are fundamental to ensuring your template is approved for publication and that other users can understand what your template does. 

1. Setting the user inputs (Ask User)

In this step, you will define the information that needs to be provided for your template to function properly.  For the user, this will appear in the template as fields they need to fill in before using it, as in the example below, which shows an image creation template that asks the user what they want to generate, in what art style, and with what type of lighting.

By providing these fields for the user to fill in, you allow for greater customization and adaptability of the template to individual preferences. This ensures that the final result is exactly what the user wants.

Take advantage of this step to define the necessary fields according to the type of template you are creating. Be sure to guide the user on what information is relevant and how to fill it in properly.  In this way, you will ensure a good result from your template and provide a good experience for those who use it.  

2. Defining Advanced Steps (AI Step)

Advanced steps are optional but powerful features within the Tess AI AI Studio that allow you to add more complex functionalities to your AI templates. They are useful when you need the AI to process information from various sources before generating the final result. Imagine, for example, that you want to create a template that generates a product description from a PDF containing information about it. Simply inserting the PDF as input is not enough; the AI needs to first read and interpret the content of the PDF. That's where advanced steps come in.

Examples of advanced steps include:

  • PDF Text Extraction: Extracts raw text from a PDF.
  • OCR (Optical Character Recognition) for Images: Extracts text from images within a PDF.
  • Reading Selected PDF Pages: Allows you to specify which pages of the PDF the AI should process.
  • Web Scraping: Extracts information from web pages. This can range from reading a specific article to collecting product data from an e-commerce website.
  • Google Search: Performs Google searches and uses the results as input for the AI.
  • Image Creation: Creates images based on the template content.
  • App Integration: Allows integration with various apps, such as Excel, Sheets, Drive, Google Ads, Meta Ads...

You define a sequence of actions: the user provides an input (e.g., a PDF or a URL), the AI executes the corresponding advanced step (e.g., text extraction or web scraping), and then uses the extracted information to generate the final result, based on the prompt you configured.

It's important to remember that each advanced step adds a stage to the process, which can increase processing time. Therefore, it's crucial to use advanced steps only when necessary, choosing the type of step that best suits your needs.

It's also important to integrate the advanced steps into the AI prompt so that it uses the processed information effectively. In other words, it's not enough to just add an advanced step; you need to instruct the AI on how to use the data it provides.  We'll discuss this further below.

3. The Prompt

In this step, you will customize the AI's actions and determine the functionalities of your template. You can use the inputs provided by the user to personalize your prompt and adapt it to various situations – simply click the "+" next to the input or Step.

In the example above, we can see how the template creator can use the input "entry 1" and the advanced step "step 1" to define the structure of their prompt. The user will fill in "entry 1" whenever they want to use the template and, if applicable, use step 1 for that purpose.

By using the information provided by the user, you ensure that the prompt is personalized and meets the individual needs of each user in various different contexts.

4. Brand Voice

Finally, we have the brand voice, where you can detail your brand's specifics and usage for an even more personalized workflow with your information!

Simply add it to the beginning or end of the prompt for easy AI understanding.

Finishing the Template

Once the structure is complete, simply save your template in the upper right corner, then review and test it before publishing.

Publishing your template

To publish, simply access your AI Studio, complete the publication process by clicking the highlighted icon (three dots) and then publishing!

Then, simply add:

  • Template Description: Describe the objective and characteristics of your template here!
  • Visibility: Public, private, unlisted, or limited to your Workspace.
  • Category: Exactly how it will appear in the Marketplace category structure.
  • Cover Image: Place your template's cover image here.
  • Monetization: If you wish to monetize your template, simply enter the cost and usage information!

Then, just save it!


If you wish to delve deeper into template creation and develop models for more complex tasks, we recommend checking out the two articles below. They provide detailed information and step-by-step guidance to help you create advanced templates in Tess AI.

Repeating, don't forget to add an attractive cover image and select the category to which your template belongs. These final steps are fundamental to ensuring your template is approved for publication and that other users can understand what your template does.
