Unlimited Creativity, Accurate Analysis, and Ethics in AI with Tess: How Professional Images Can Change Your Business

The Complexity of Inspiration

If you work in creation, you know that inspiration is something complex to maintain as a constant. Besides being unpredictable, it arises in the most unexpected moments. Often, beyond the notepad, in our busy routine, we wish we had a kind of creative co-pilot always ready to capture those inspired moments and out-of-the-box ideas and put them into practice. But what to do when we talk about visual aspects and ideas for images? And when we discuss projects that can be impacted by a specific timing of action that can change the course of our businesses?

Instagram as an Example

Instagram is an excellent example. As a platform that regularly leverages trends and allows for greater engagement for posts that are trending, its content that allows for a wide reach at many moments may require that creations be made quickly to take advantage of the timing and the famous hype. With that in mind, what if your company doesn’t have the resources to execute these ideas? How quickly can this adaptation be made considering following creatives that represent your brand and capitalize on what’s trending?

Transforming Ideas into Impactful Visuals

In this line, by transforming your ideas into impactful visuals, like Pixar's image campaigns, a trend that gained popularity in 2023, you can establish yourself in the knowledge of your audience.

Tess as Your Creative Co-Pilot

That’s exactly why Tess can be your co-pilot. As challenging as it may be, the ease of materializing your company’s creative brief and eventually that of your client is made possible with Tess AI. Just feed the artificial intelligence with the information, define the desired visual style, and a range of creative options will be at your disposal.

Examples of Brands That Have Leveraged AI

You might even be concerned about the ethical issues that the use of Artificial Intelligence for images might bring. An excellent example to explain how this makes sense in every way was the campaign carried out by Dove called "Real Beauty Prompt Playbook." In this campaign, the beauty of AI is exalted for its intelligence and also for its ethics.

Taking advantage of the rise of topics related to Artificial Intelligence, the brand did not settle for letting AI reproduce the same old stereotypes; instead, it trained models to see diversity as a value, feeding it with images and terms that reflect beauty in its most varied forms, colors, and expressions. If you want to know more about the campaign, you can follow it here.

How to Achieve This with Tess?

And that’s exactly what you can do with Tess. Explore different styles, color palettes, compositions, and formats with the ease of a few clicks. Tess invites you to discover new visual approaches that may be dormant in your mind, whether seeking to portray human beauty in its entirety or executing campaign ideas born from your imagination and more playful.

Creating Visual Content

From creating posts that increase engagement for your social media to banners that elevate the attraction of your campaigns, passing through customized illustrations that overflow with originality, Tess is your visual content factory, always ready to generate what you need, in the ideal size and format for each platform.

Union of Image and Text Templates

After creation, you may also question which visual elements truly captivate attention or how to optimize your campaigns to achieve even more expressive results while leveraging these insights. Tess can also guide you in this process, providing valuable insights for you to make strategic decisions and achieve success.


Let Tess AI be your ally in the pursuit of creative excellence. Embrace the blank canvas and get ready to be surprised by the results!