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🗒️Main Settings of Tess AI🗒️

We list some of the main settings of the platform and how to do them

We list some of the main settings of the platform and how to make them. The Tess AI has several features, but within this world of possibilities, we need to know some basic settings within the Platform. Below we will present a series of settings from various areas of the site.

Light or Dark Theme

To set your screen to the mode you prefer, click on your user profile in the lower-left corner of the screen. Then simply click on the "Preferences" option and select what you desire.



Change the Language of the Platform

Currently, the Tess AI platform operates in Portuguese, English, and Spanish. To switch between options, click again on your user profile and then select the "Preferences" option.



Change Profile Picture

Users of the platform use their own profiles, which can be customized with first names, last names, and profile pictures. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Click on your user profile in the lower-left corner.


2. Click on "Personal Settings."
3. Press "Choose File" and upload the picture you wish.


Change Personal Data

If you want to change your password or any other personal data (email, phone, name), just follow the steps below:

1. Click on your user profile in the lower-left corner.


2. Click on "Personal Settings."
3. Click on the field you wish to change.

Sign Out of Account

To sign out of your account on the platform, simply follow the steps below:

1. Click on your user profile in the lower-left corner.


2. Click on sign out.