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Invite members to your Workspace

Have you already set up your Workspace? If so, it's time to invite new members!

But if you haven't set it up yet, you can check out this article here.


The Business and Enterprise plans are the ones that allow us to invite other people to join our Workspace. If you need help upgrading your plan, this article here can help you!

Let's start inviting members to your Workspace. To do this, in the upper left corner, click on the "AI Team" area and then on "Members".


Now, on the Members screen, you will be able to see the two available invitation options: via Secret Link and via Email.

  1. Invitation via Secret Link

This is the simplest, fastest way, and it allows more people to join the Workspace using the same link.

Just click on the secret link icon, activate it, and send it to your team!

To generate new links, just click on the option below: Generate a new link and it will become the new valid link.

  1. Invitation via Email

When adding a member via email, you can send it to one or more people (separating the emails with commas).


The email invitation is valid for 3 days (72h) after it is sent. After this period, it will be necessary to revoke the invitation and send it again.

Now that you know how to invite new members, take advantage of this same screen to track credit consumption per user!

If you need anything, you can contact our team through support.