Discover some templates available in Tess that can be used to evolve your team in Paid Traffic! Note that we have evolved the templates for chat use, facilitating interaction with the results!
Analysis of Saturated Creatives in Meta Ads
Analysis of Saturated Creatives in Meta Ads
Important Notice!
The text templates have become even better and are now chat-based, allowing you to interact with the results! Connect with your account by following the link in the image below.
After inputting your data, the chat will save it. Then, just interact!
Analysis of Trends in Meta and Google Ads Campaigns
- Tess Insights | Meta Ads Trend Analysis
- Analysis of trends in campaigns and ad groups of Google Ads.
Important Notice!
The text templates have become even better and are now chat-based, allowing you to interact with the results! Connect with your account by following the link in the image below.
After inputting your data, the chat will save it. Then, just interact!
Budget Reallocation in Google and Meta Ads
Important Notice!
The text templates have become even better and are now chat-based, allowing you to interact with the results! Connect with your account by following the link in the image below.
After inputting your data, the chat will save it. Then, just interact!
- Campaign Budget Reallocation in Google Ads | Without desired daily budget, considering the account budget
- Budget Allocation for Campaigns in Google Ads | With desired daily budget
- Tess Insights | Meta Ads Budget Reallocate
- Tess Insights | Meta Ads Budget Changer
Suggestions for targeting in Google Ads based on a URL
- Suggestions for Targeting in Google Ads Based on a URL
Ideas for Negative Keywords for Google Ads
- Ideas for Negative Keywords for Google Ads
Consulting for Paid Media Management
- Consulting for Paid Media Management
Analysis of Creative Texts
This new template for Meta Ads groups the texts of the ads and the performance metrics of each of these text copies. Thus, you can obtain suggestions for each, both from active ads and paused ones!
So, after the analysis, you can interact with the chat and ask for suggestions for new ads based on the insights you have within the selected period, both from active ads and historical data!
Analysis of Creative Texts
Analysis of the Images of Creatives and Their Content
This template connects directly with your Meta account and analyzes the images and their characteristics.
For example, are your photos with people performing better? Or only with products? What has caught more attention?
Try it out and analyze your account completely!
Analysis of Creatives.