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How to edit images created with Tess AI

Tess AI's great superpower is the creation of images, videos and its many other functions. But did you know that, as well as generating incredible images, you can edit them and make improvements without necessarily creating a new one? Yes, this is possible and very easy to do. In this article we'll show you the main image editing features within Tess.

Changes to images can be made via Account History or Template History, depending on where your image was created.

Editing Created Images

To edit an image you have created, follow the steps below:

1. identify the image you want to edit

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2. Go to the edit icon
Drag the cursor across the image you want. Then click on the edit icon.


Captura de tela 2024-03-14 142654

What are the most used editing features?

Tess AI's editing area is very comprehensive. Now that you've learned how to get there, we'll show you some of the features and functionalities you can use.

1. Cut-outs, shaping and size adjustments

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- Angle ruler: Serves as a reference to help when making position changes.
- Rotate left: Rotates the image counterclockwise
- Flip horizontal: Inverts the image horizontally
- Crop shape: Resize options with standard sizes
- Dots on edges: Crop and adjust size manually

2. Pre-defined filters

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3. Fine adjustments

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- Property selection: The image's editable properties are below the image. Simply select them one at a time.
- Adjustment ruler: The bar above the properties regulates the intensity of each change you want to make. Consider that to the right it increases and to the left it decreases.

4. Brushes

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- Brush options: At the bottom of the screen, choose the brush option. The options range from simple strokes to erasers and even geometric shapes.
- Stroke Settings: Just above the brush options, you can change the color of the line and configure its size from the options.

How to Improve Image Quality Automatically?

 Now that you've learned how to make the most basic edits, we'll show you the quickest and easiest way to improve the quality of your images, without having to create them again. Follow the steps below.

1. Select the image you want to improve the quality of

Captura de tela 2024-03-14 141955

2. Click on the "2x" button
Drag the cursor over the desired image and click the "2x" button.

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Done! Your image will be generated with improved quality automatically!