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Creating amazing videos with Tess AI

Tess AI is known for its immense variety of image, text, code and video creation. When it comes to videos, we need to be aware of the tips and best practices for generating materials of incredible quality. Below we'll list a step-by-step guide with some recommendations.

Generating Quality Videos at Tess AI

First, we'll get to know the creation area and start testing. The AI Playground will give us access to the settings needed to create the videos.

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Video creation settings

1. Prompt

The most important part of any AI creation is writing a quality Prompt. Try to be as clear and objective as possible, but at the same time detail the important and relevant information for the video. It is recommended to separate information with the "|" or "," symbols.

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2. Art style

The Art Style will directly influence the result of your video. Selecting one of the options changes the image style in the result in the same way as your prompt. The AI will base itself on the selected style when generating your video.

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3. Lighting

The lighting options will not decrease or increase the quality of the video, but will alter the visual aspects of color and light. Configure freely according to your preferences.

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In the example below, we used the same Prompt for the image and 3 different lighting styles. The same applies to videos.

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4. Mood

The mood setting will influence not only the colors, but also the emotions of the characters and scenery in the video. Choose the options that best relate to the written Prompt.

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In the example below, we used different mood setting options in the same prompt for three images. The difference is noticeable in different ways.

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5. Duration, Size and Number of Videos

These settings, unlike the others, are not related to Prompts, Lighting or any other more technical aspect of AI, but rather to preferences for use.

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However, some points of these settings can make a difference when creating videos.

With regard to length, always try to create your videos that are 4 seconds or longer. It's common for users to try shorter lengths and run into problems or difficulties. Also remember that credit consumption is directly proportional to the length of the video.

As for length, there are no restrictions, as our AI works well with all formats. Initially, Artificial Intelligences are trained in the 1x1 format, but they end up being adapted to other sizes.

Regarding the number of videos, it's quite simple: the user has the option of creating, with the same prompt, different variations of videos, but with the same settings. Although the request is joint, the results generated will be different


6. Initial image

This field will allow you to enter an inspiration image. This will be the starting point for the AI. Our Intelligence will base itself on the image to create the desired video. Remember that the image must be the same size as the one selected for the video. Otherwise, the image may be cropped.
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That's it, now you understand how our AI For Videos works and you can use your creativity to create incredible videos with Tess AI!