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6 Favorite Text Templates

 In addition to the AI Playground (an area of the platform for more advanced creations), Tess AI has several templates, which are AI models already configured to perform specific actions, requiring only a few inputs and responses to bring a result closer to what you want. There are text, image and video templates, and the number of available models is increasing all the time.

With this in mind, here are our 6 favorite text templates, the ones most used on the platform, the ones most loved by users!

1. Instagram Post Description

Quickly create descriptions for your Instagram posts, entering only the purpose of your publication. The response generated will follow a pattern already established by the template prompt

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2. Product or Service Description

 By entering just the name, your target audience and a brief summary of the product or service, this template will create a professional description for your product/service. The tone of voice and creativity of the AI can be altered according to your preferences.

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3. Learn a Professional Skill 

Enter any topic and the goal you want to achieve with that knowledge, so that Tess can create a study plan to help you develop new skills.

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4. Create a poem for every occasion

Use poems for books, songs and even advertisements with Tess's creation. This template creates poems based on any inspirational text. The result can be a large or small poem, depending on the word count setting.

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5. Text Ads for Products and Services

Save time when creating text ads for your product or service. This template quickly creates a text ad structure based on the company name, product/service name, benefits and a call-to-action (all entered by the user).

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6. Endless possibilities (customization)

In addition to the templates already on the platform, the number of new ideas and possibilities that users can develop is impressive. By creating your own AI template, you can create automations that integrate different formats and steps, combinations of AIs, flows and much more!
