This Email Will Give You Back Hours of Your Day: A Case Study on How AI is Reinventing Time Management Directly in Your Calendar

Eliminating the stress of scheduling meetings, having your agenda organized intelligently, and gaining free time to focus on what really matters. This was the challenge one of our clients brought to us, thinking about an integration directly with their Google Calendar.

As you read this message, an algorithm from the AI model selected by this client is working behind the scenes to optimize the schedules of executives and employees, as well as finding the best times for their commitments and helping them gain more free time. Amazing, right?

But don’t just take our word for it:

This client was looking for a solution to optimize their team's time. They faced the same challenges: packed schedules, difficulty finding compatible times, and precious time being wasted on organizing meetings. The answer? Integrating Generative AI with Google Calendar!

With the change, they achieved:

  • 70% less time spent scheduling meetings: Imagine the number of projects your team could complete with a few extra hours each week.

  • On average, 20% more free time per employee.

  • 25% higher meeting attendance rate: With optimized times and personalized invitations, engagement increases, and results follow.

But how was this achieved?

Technical Alert❗

How the AI Was Built

To develop this template, we incorporated a series of fundamental input fields. These fields are designed for the user to provide precise information about the event and participant details. This process ensures that scheduling is not only accurate but also tailored to the specific needs of each user, facilitating the organization of effective and well-coordinated events.

  • Event Description: Detailed text about the purpose of the event.
  • Event Date: Start date of the event in the format DD/MM/YYYY.
  • Guest Email: Email of the guest whose schedule will be analyzed to find an available time.
  • Organizer Email: Email of the event organizer for access to their calendar.
  • Meeting Duration: Expected duration of the meeting, which will be used to find a suitable slot in the schedules.

Using Advanced Steps

APP Integration - Google Calendar: GET EVENTS

This step is responsible for accessing the schedule information of the participant and the organizer. Using the provided emails, Tess AI queries Google Calendar to extract all scheduled events for the specified dates, identifying available times without causing scheduling conflicts.

AI Assistants (ChatGPT Completion)

After collecting the event data, this step comes into play. The AI Assistant, specifically the ChatGPT Completion we use, analyzes the existing events in the calendars, identifies occupied times, and suggests the best available times for the meeting, considering the desired duration. Additionally, this assistant can generate smart suggestions for the title and description of the event based on the information provided by the user.

Of course, the history of meetings between participants is also considered for time suggestions. In summary, scheduling meetings is transformed into a more efficient, clear, and convenient process, benefiting everyone involved!

APP Integration - Google Calendar: CREATE EVENT

In the final step, after defining the ideal time and formulating the title and description, Tess AI proceeds to create the event in Google Calendar. It automatically sets up the new event with all the generated information, including participants, times, and event details. This final step completes the process, effectively scheduling the meeting in the calendar of each participant involved.

And we could go even further by analyzing other variables, such as the salesperson's CRM, to determine when their meetings are most productive… The truth is that with Generative AI, you can go much further, even with simple meetings.

We will soon bring more cases; we hope you enjoyed this one! Access Tess AI and test much more!