Prompt Engineering: Complete Guide to Boosting Your Business with LLMs and Tess AI

Welcome to the world of Prompt Engineering, the art of conversing with artificial intelligence and shaping your creativity to generate extraordinary results!


Imagine a world where you can bring your ideas to life with impressive clarity and speed, where the only barrier between your imagination and the final masterpiece is how you communicate. Welcome to the world of Prompt Engineering, the art of conversing with artificial intelligence and shaping your creativity to generate extraordinary results!

Before we dive into tips and tools, let’s understand the core of this creative revolution. Imagine AI as an incredibly talented artisan, ready to sculpt, paint, or write exactly what you desire. But, just like any artisan, AI needs clear and detailed instructions to transform your vision into reality. That’s where Prompt Engineering comes in.

In essence, Prompt Engineering is the art of crafting precise and effective instructions for artificial intelligence, guiding it in creating captivating texts, exceptional images, flawless code, and much more.

The Advantages of Mastering the Art of Prompting

Prompt Engineering is like learning the language of AI, allowing you to communicate clearly and effectively, leading the machine to create results that perfectly align with your vision.

To help you master this art, we’ve gathered some valuable tips!

We really like the PACIF method!

It consists of 5 areas that should be followed for a prompt to be well-written:

  • Role: Define the role you want the AI to play. Here, it’s interesting to use verbs in the imperative, such as imagine, act, personalize, to contextualize the action.

  • Action: Next, direct the desired action you expect from the AI, being clear about the output. For example, create a table, a list, analyze data.

  • Context: It’s important to provide the necessary context and relevant information. That is, the basis, context, or data for the AI to consider when generating its responses.

  • Intention: Clearly explain what you hope to obtain from the response it gives you, directing the AI's answer to meet what you specified in the action, such as strategy recommendations, a list of ideas.

  • Format: Specify whether you expect a text, a table, a presentation, etc.

Next, we will dive into practical tips for creating unbeatable prompts for texts and images, learn about the LLMs (Large Language Models) that are revolutionizing the market, and discover how Tess AI can be your ally in this creative journey.

Mastering the Art of Prompting for Text AIs

Communication is the key to unlocking the full potential of AI. Instead of simply typing a vague command, Prompt Engineering invites us to build a solid bridge between our intention and the creative capacity of AI. It’s like learning to speak the machine's language, using the words, phrases, and structures it understands and translates into tangible results.

Next, let’s explore practical tips for creating unbeatable prompts for texts and images, learn about the LLMs that are revolutionizing the market, and discover how Tess AI can be your ally in this creative journey.

1. Clarity and Specificity

Avoid ambiguities and generic terms. Be as specific as possible about what you want the AI to do. Detail the subject, format, objective, and target audience.

Example: Instead of asking "Write an ad for my new software," be specific: "Create a concise and impactful ad for our project management software, highlighting its key benefits: increased productivity, better team collaboration, and intuitive interface. Target the text at marketing managers and startup CEOs."

2. Detailed Context and Defined Format

Provide as much relevant information as possible for the AI to understand the context of your request. Specify the desired format (article, social media post, email, etc.) and include details such as tone of voice, writing style, and target audience.

Example: Instead of "Create a job description for a developer," which can be risky without the right context, say: "Generate an attractive job description for a Full Stack Developer (React.js and Node.js), focusing on experience in developing responsive web applications, communication skills, and teamwork. Mention the company's benefits, such as a learning culture and flexible hours."

3. Concrete Examples and Tone of Voice

Show the AI what you expect as a result by providing examples of the desired style, tone of voice, and format. This helps the AI better understand your expectations.

Example: Instead of just asking "Write an email to a customer," provide an example: "Using a professional and friendly tone, write an email to a customer who abandoned their shopping cart in our online store. The email should be no more than 200 words and sound as if it were written by a real person from the sales team, demonstrating genuine concern for the customer. Include a reminder of the products in the cart, offer free shipping to encourage the purchase, and reinforce the quality of our products and the security of our platform."

4. Defined Persona and Clear Objective

If you want a text with a specific style, define the persona the AI should assume during writing (e.g., a travel blogger, a marketing expert, a salesperson, etc.). Make the objective of the text clear (to inform, persuade, entertain, etc.).

Example: Instead of "Write a blog post about travel," be more specific: "Adopt the persona of an adventurous travel blogger. Create an inspiring and informative blog post about the 10 best backpacker destinations in South America, with tips on budget accommodation, off-the-beaten-path itineraries, and authentic experiences. The goal of the post is to increase engagement on social media, so include a call to action inviting readers to share their own travel experiences."

With this in mind, Tess also allows you to create your own AI templates and adapt the prompt for each of them.

In summary, regarding the creation of AI for texts:

  • Be Specific and Detailed: Imagine you are ordering a portrait from a renowned painter. You wouldn’t just say "paint a person," right? Similarly, when generating texts with AI, provide as many details as possible. Specify the writing style (formal, informal, technical, poetic), the tone of voice (informative, fun, inspiring), the target audience (children, experts, general public), and the objective of the text (to inform, persuade, entertain).

  • Context is King: AI has no prior knowledge of your projects or ideas. Contextualize the topic by providing relevant information, specific examples, and even analogies that help AI grasp the essence of your message.

  • Keywords: The secret to success - keywords are like compasses guiding AI in the right direction. Use relevant keywords related to the topic, synonyms, and specific terms that capture the essence of what you want to communicate.


For example, let’s say you want to prepare a test for some of your new employees based on a specific topic. How would this prompt look based on the PACIF method?

Example of an initial prompt using this method:

"I am preparing a test for new employees who will join the company and would like help. Imagine you are an expert in creating assessments for a technology-focused company, specifically Artificial Intelligence [Role]. I need you to provide ideas for questions for a test that will have a number of topics defined by the user, along with X questions for each topic [Action]. Regarding the questions, you should be creative, meaning you should not follow just one line of questioning; you should be able to challenge those who will respond to think about the possibilities in each topic. The data you will base your questions on is all in the content of the text, but remember to stay creative based on that content [Context]. My intention is to highlight each point of the audio content for those taking the test and allow the person who answers the questions correctly to be able to describe and teach the content to someone who does not know the subject [Intention]. Provide me with the test divided into topics and their respective questions. [Format]"

Number of topics = Variable 1
Number of questions per topic = Variable 2
Content of the text = Variable 3

Finally, review and adjust. The first version generated by AI is just a starting point. Experiment with different prompts and LLM models with Tess AI, conduct A/B tests with subtle variations, and adjust the text until it faithfully reflects your original vision!

Mastering the Art of Prompting for Image AIs: How to Create Impactful Images for Your Business with Tess AI

Tess AI offers the AI Playground for Images and community templates for you to explore your visual creativity. Just like in text prompts, there are also best practices for using images!

Use the following tips to generate amazing images:

5. Rich Descriptions with Defined Style

Just like in text prompts, the more details you provide, the better the result. Describe the image you have in mind as completely as possible, including visual elements, artistic style, colors, textures, lighting, composition, and feelings that the image should convey.

Example: Instead of asking "An image for a post representing customer success," be specific: "Create an image for a social media post about a customer’s success from our financial consulting firm. The image should show a positive growth chart on a tablet, an elegant watch conveying a sense of time well spent, a coffee cup, and a notebook with investment notes. The visual style should be clean, modern, and professional, with colors like dark blue, gold, and white, conveying trust and prosperity."

6. Visual References and Color Palette

If you have specific visual references in mind (like photos, illustrations, styles of famous artists), provide them as examples for the AI. Define the desired color palette to guide the AI in creating the atmosphere and visual style of the image.

Example: "I need an illustration for the header of our e-commerce site for eco-friendly products. The illustration should show happy people using our products in a sunny green park. The style should be similar to that of illustrator Lisa Congdon, with vibrant colors, bold lines, and a playful touch. The color palette should include shades of green, blue, yellow, and orange, conveying a sense of joy, well-being, and connection to nature."

7. Detailed Composition and Key Elements

Describe the composition of the image, how the elements should be organized, the focal point of the image, and the message the image should convey.

Example: "Generate an image for the cover of a case study on how our technology company helped a client increase their online sales. The image should be clean, modern, and professional, focusing on an ascending bar graph representing sales growth. Below the graph, position minimalist icons representing the services we offer, such as digital marketing, SEO, online ads, and data analysis. Use shades of blue, gray, and white to convey professionalism and trust."

Tips for Extraordinary Results with Tess AI

  • Experiment with different approaches: Adjust parameters, try styles, formats, and levels of detail to discover what works best for each need. Tess allows the use of dozens of different image models, such as:

    • DALL-E: A leader in generating images from text, DALL-E 3 can create original and realistic images from complex and abstract descriptions.

    • Stable Diffusion (Stability AI): An open-source model that has gained immense popularity for its ability to generate high-quality images.

    • Midjourney: Known for its unique and surreal artistic style, Midjourney is an excellent choice for artists, designers, and anyone looking to explore the limits of visual creativity.

In addition to Leonardo AI and excellent proprietary models for personal use, where you can use other images as references. Imagine a situation where you have an image inspiration and don’t want exactly that, but rather something similar with small differences.

By using inspiration models in the image and prompts that ensure your changes, you can quickly make adjustments!

Take advantage of the platform's resources: Explore the functionalities of Tess AI, such as prompt history, collaborative editing, and community templates, to optimize your workflow!