How to Use Tess AI Chat?

Unveiling the Power of Artificial Intelligence Chats in Tess AI

Tess AI chats are intuitive and powerful tools that allow you to ask questions and perform tasks simply and efficiently. In this article, we will explore how to use each of the Tess AI chats and make the most of their features to get quick and personalized answers. Below are the topics of this article:

Where is the artificial intelligence chat in Tess AI?

In the left sidebar, look for "AI Playground", then select the option "For Conversation". In this area, you will have access to all the artificial intelligence chats available in Tess AI. Each chat is trained and has different focuses and specializations, which will be explored in detail in the next topic.

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What are the available chats in Tess AI?

1. Tess AI

Tess AI is the main artificial intelligence of the platform, designed to be the world's first professional assistant. With it, you can solve problems in your work routine and receive support in tasks such as writing emails, generating ideas, creating images for slides, learning new skills, and much more.

Additionally, you can create customized conversation flows to meet your specific needs. Each conversation can have a different theme, where you will develop a specific subject.

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2. Chat GPT

One of the goals of the Tess AI platform is to centralize the use of AI in one place, and Chat GPT is one of the options available for this. Developed by OpenAI, Chat GPT is known for its ability to generate text creatively and coherently. With it, you can create interesting dialogues, engaging stories, or even get writing suggestions. Explore the full potential of Chat GPT in Tess AI!

3. SEO Expert

The SEO Expert chat specializes in search engine optimization (SEO) and offers valuable guidance on how to improve your website's visibility in search results. Using BARD, an AI developed by Google, it provides insights on keywords, content strategies, SEO best practices, and identifies areas for improvement in your texts. Make the most of the SEO Expert chat to boost your website's performance in search engines!

4. Language Expert

The Language Expert chat is a tool specialized in translation, offering support for translating texts in English, Portuguese, and Spanish. With the Language Expert, you can count on accuracy and efficiency in translating content between these languages. Expand your global communication possibilities and make the most of the translation capabilities of the Language Expert chat in Tess AI.

What's the difference between the support chat and Tess AI chats?

There is often confusion between the technical support chat and the artificial intelligence chats of Tess AI.

The artificial intelligence chats of Tess AI are powered by advanced natural language processing and machine learning technologies. These capabilities allow Tess AI to understand and intelligently and contextually respond to user questions. Additionally, Tess AI can understand the context of the conversation, adapt to different scenarios, and learn from previous interactions, providing a personalized and efficient experience.

On the other hand, the technical support chat offers pre-programmed responses to frequently asked questions about the Tess AI platform. Furthermore, you can get personalized support from a human member of our customer service team to resolve your queries about the Tess AI platform. To access it, just click on the purple button with the conversation icon located at the bottom left of the screen.

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